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In July 2021, Congresswoman Katherine Clark called for TikTok's CEO to be summoned before Congress over child pornography concerns. Congresswoman Clark cited the ease with which viewers on TikTok could search for "child pornography" and download child pornography videos directly via the video app. In addition, the app would not remove videos of young girls dancing in sleepwear and underwear. A number of pornographic videos are allegedly available on the platform as well, which some claim negatively effects child mental health.",

According to data from Sensor Tower, the total revenue generated by TikTok's apps has reached $1 billion in 2021 alone. Despite this success, up to 70% of its userbase drops out each month due to lack of engagement with other users on the platform. This rate is significantly higher than Instagram and Snapchat, where the dropout rate is much lower at around 10%.",

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In addition to offering its users the ability to create their own short videos and make money from their efforts, it is also possible to post videos that have already been created by other individuals. This feature has also attracted criticism because it appears that people are getting paid for using TikTok's platforms as a means to promote certain products and services. For example, in the January 2021, it was noted that some people were being paid to post videos on TikTok encouraging viewers to buy products from Amway. As many of the creators of these videos are also making money from their efforts by promoting these products, it is possible that they may be getting paid for creating a review video for someone's product. Once again, this is something that requires people to rely on their own judgement in order to decide whether or not they feel comfortable using this feature.",

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As of October 2021, TikTok was estimated to have over 500 million installs on Android devices alone. "Statista" estimated that about 90 million users were active on the app as of September 2021. The company stated in June 2021 that the number of daily active users (DAU) had grown to 300 million. Apptopia's "Instagram Report" estimates that TikTok's revenue was over $30 million in May 2021, with about 68% of that coming from the United States. On June 6, 2021, TikTok announced its new update on its Twitter account where it was updated with a new logo and new features like double tap to like and no ads for some creators.",

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The app has also been used to help promote charitable causes. In Japan in May 2021, the app teamed up with the Japanese Red Cross while in July 2021, it partnered with UNICEF and its Baby + Me campaign.",

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TikTok is not the only app by ByteDance that requires its users to pay for certain features. One example of this is the subscription function for WeChat, a popular messaging service in China and certain other countries. This has led to some people being very concerned about ByteDance's business practices and whether or not it is fair for people to be required to pay for all of the features that are offered on TikTok's platform. In addition, critics have noted that these subscription fees may be used by ByteDance to influence user behaviour and/or monitor users' activities in order to find out what content they are interested in and why they are interested in it. For example, it is possible that people might be required to subscribe to TikTok in order to listen to certain types of music which ByteDance wants people to hear.",

Tiktok was originally created by a Chinese company called ByteDance Inc. It's similar to Vine, Instagram, and Snapchat in that it allows users to create short funny videos and posts them on the site for other users to like. TikTok allows you to make short 3–15 second videos with various effects, transitions, sound tracks, text captions etc. The app has had over 100 million downloads so far since its release in 2021.",

The only remaining question is whether TikTok can continue to grow into a brand that people trust like WeChat in China. Many users of the app have openly voiced their concerns about this, worrying that the app may develop a reputation for being more like Facebook than Instagram (which is more closely related to Twitter). If this turns out to be true, then TikTok may see a dip in share price.",

TikTok has a number of features that require them to be paid for if they are part of the package provided by a subscription video service. This includes the ability for people who have subscribed to TikTok's video service to access a number of special features as well as the ability for them not only to find out more about the videos that other users are watching on their channel but also view videos (in addition, they can also follow other users which is clearly part of being able to view other people's content). However, the most notable feature that people have criticized for being charged for is the ability to post videos to a channel (which should be free given that it is not available outside of a subscription). Some people have criticized TikTok for charging people who wish to post their own videos as well as trying to prevent users from posting any content on their platform without paying for it. The following is a screenshot of an advertisement which appears on TikTok's own website:",

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When you open TikTok app, you will see the feed of your friends and videos. You can also create your own stories and upload videos to them. To access these Stories, you need to select "Create Story" option. You can tell us about your life events and how you feel.",

In May 2021, TikTok launched a streaming app called (previously named Yizhibo). The app is popular with younger users who enjoy creating live broadcasts and interacting with other users. Users of this app have the ability to interact with each other by sending virtual gifts, comments, or reacting to posts made by other users.",

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Older accounts can still watch user-generated videos, however they can not create or share any of their own. They are instead limited to just viewing what other people are posting through the app's various features. TikTok is available for download on iOS and Android platforms. Released in Japan, the first version of "TikTok" was optimized for iOS devices. Subsequently, it was released worldwide as a non-Japanese version named "TiK".",

In an article published by The New York Times, it was alleged that "The complaint said more than 852 million people used worldwide in 2021. And despite its name — which evokes the question-and-answer site Quora — has begun to extend beyond allowing users to lip-sync popular songs for one another. Last year, the company rolled out a social-networking component called the Universe that helps users interact with one another." This article was published on The New York Times. In a lawsuit filed against Bytedance by Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, it was alleged that "Bytedance has collected data on what users view and click on as well as information such as user IP addresses or device IDs. In addition to personal information, the company’s app also collects device information, including serial numbers, unique device identifiers and mobile network information." This lawsuit was filed by Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson against Bytedance.",

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In January 2021, TikTok launched a web version of their app on Users can post videos and photos with filters to the website where they are able to be viewed by anyone or users can create a personal page for themselves with more features than on the mobile app. The company announced in May 2021 that users had spent 5 billion times on Tawkify and that they were going to add more features and make it easier to share content on the website. On April 1, 2021, Tawkify announced that it would end its service after 9 years in operation when it began in 2021 as a "website only" platform. It was the first and the only website which allowed users to upload, edit, and share videos from their mobile phones. Tawkify had many features that are currently available on the mobile app today such as creating groups and being able to follow other users.",

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In October 2021, Postmates announced that it would remove TikTok from their platform after pressure from users who don't want to see ads in front of their favorite moments. The move was seen by some as a step towards eliminating advertising on TikTok.",

Recent studies have shown that a number of users who are very active on Tiktok are not required to show their age when signing up, which opens the door for predators who can lure underage people into a fake account without anyone knowing it's them, and even go as far as asking for them to share personal information or send nudes.",

In the past, there were rumors about the possible acquisition of TikTok by any of the major tech companies in the world. In February 2021, it was reported that Microsoft is currently pursuing a software deal with TikTok. The talks should be over soon.",

Another article by The Guardian reported that "TikTok's team has a proven track record of transparency — it makes its internal rules public and allows users to report objectionable content. But a separate warning highlighted by the PwC report warns that "zero tolerance policies require that users take action against unacceptable behaviour, which may lead to removal of your account". The policy also outlines what is and isn't acceptable."",

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In December 2021, TikTok announced that it was suspending all operations in Japan after a request for a ban by Japan’s telecommunications watchdog. The order was due to the fact that the company was not yet registered as a company in the country. Following this development, it is unknown as to whether or not Japan will become one of the countries that has banned the app completely.",

The original version of this platform is a Chinese one and was launched in 2021. The popularity of this app has been growing over the last years, and now it is one of the top social media platforms in the world. Millions of people around the world are interested in connecting with people from all over the world through this app, as they can share a lot of videos with their friends on it. It allows users to create artistic content and share it with their friends and family members on an easy-to-use platform.",

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