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Another article by The Guardian reported that "TikTok's team has a proven track record of transparency — it makes its internal rules public and allows users to report objectionable content. But a separate warning highlighted by the PwC report warns that "zero tolerance policies require that users take action against unacceptable behaviour, which may lead to removal of your account". The policy also outlines what is and isn't acceptable."",
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There are several websites that have been set up by Chinese authorities aiming to monitor, investigate and censor both illegal and questionable content published on other sites such as Weibo. The following is an example of a page on one of these sites.",
On June 7, 2021, Snap Inc. filed a countersuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against for patent infringement related to US Patent No. 9,065,231 B2 relating to a method and system for providing a unified social experience across multiple different devices including mobile phones and personal computers; it also claimed that AppFlyer had earlier informed Snapchat directly about infringing patents in September 2021 but did not receive any response from Snap Inc., therefore constituting purposeful infringement by Snap Inc.. In response to Snap Inc.'s counterclaims, issued a statement on June 11 claiming that it was "disappointed" with Snap Inc.'s action and called the counterclaims "frivolous." On June 13, Snap Inc. filed an amendment to its original response, restating its previous allegations and adding claims of patent infringement relating to US Patent No. 8,196,795 B1 which covers a method and system for sharing messages including video clips through a mobile phone network.",
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This is considered by some experts to be unfair because it requires subscribers (which are estimated to be over 100 million) to pay just so they can be allowed to post their own content onto the platform. The fact that this feature can be used to prevent people from sharing content which they should be allowed to post has also concerned some users. Another concern with this particular aspect of TikTok's business model is that it may be a violation of the app's terms and conditions as well as the policies of any app stores where TikTok is installed. To access TikTok, a user must agree to the app's terms and conditions when they have downloaded it onto their device. For example, users on both Google Play and the Apple Store agree not only to allow TikTok to access their location but also "to use your name, likeness, and voice in connection with commercial, sponsored or related content ("endorsements"), either identified or anonymous. You agree that if you wish for your Content to remain anonymous, or your public profile does not contain your real name, you will not use your real name in connection with any Endorsements." This suggests that a user may be required to pay in order to retain their anonymity while posting videos on TikTok (this is because the app may ask them to use their real name and/or add other details such as their age while posting their video). The term "endorsement" (as defined by the Oxford dictionary) means: "the action of publicly expressing approval and support of somebody/something by a gesture (such as a wave or an item of clothing) or words. The act of publicly advertising a product or service by an individual or organization."",
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Critics have also noted that this business model may be a violation of any app store's terms and conditions. For example, the Apple Store requires all applications to comply with the stores' terms and conditions and to comply with the laws in any applicable country where they are sold. The following is one example of an Apple Store's policy which requires developers to provide a valid receipt in order to receive money back from their app store account:",
A few days after this article was published, TikTok announced in response to these concerns that it is conducting an audit of all accounts with unpaid subscription fees. As of April 2021, various media outlets reported that TikTok had managed to identify tens of millions of accounts which were involved in posting content on the platform without having paid for it. The publication also reported that the video service was working with legal and other experts to help recommend steps which could be taken against people who had posted content without paying for it. A representative for TikTok told a news outlet that "We are always taking measures to ensure our community is able to enjoy the best TikTok experience possible. When we identify that an account has been using features without paying subscriptions, we interrupt services so they can upgrade. We also work closely with our legal team to take action against all accounts that don't comply with our Terms of Use."",
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In December 2021, TikTok announced that it was suspending all operations in Japan after a request for a ban by Japan’s telecommunications watchdog. The order was due to the fact that the company was not yet registered as a company in the country. Following this development, it is unknown as to whether or not Japan will become one of the countries that has banned the app completely.",
The app has a pleasant and entertaining interface, which is very user-friendly. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices. In the past few months, this app has become very famous because of its ability to create short videos within seconds without much effort and time. TikTok does not require the downloading of special iPhone/iPad or Android applications as it runs on YouTube's API which is available only for iOS users.",
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In February 2021, Advertising Week Europe included TikTok in their annual list of top 10 advertising trends. In order to create the ranking they compiled the results of a survey from fourth-quarter 2021 and compared it to a similar study from 2021. The study identified three key factors that contribute to the ranking: time spent on ad content, levels of engagement, and presence of ads in other formats. TikTok ranked fourth out of the ten companies; Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook took the first three spots with TikTok ranking behind Twitter due to Snapchat's immersive advertising experience.",
You can share your recorded videos from TikTok on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with just a few clicks of your mouse or tapping some buttons on your mobile application. You can also add music to the videos which are saved in your device. The app also allows you to create and join group conversations on TikTok. You can invite new members to the group anywhere with a click of a button by sending them a request for joining the group.",
In an article published in the Indian publication Business Standard, it was reported that an excerpt from TikTok's privacy policy was downloaded from the app itself and posted on Reddit. "The company's privacy policy, which can be read below, is not available on the app itself. When TechCrunch asked for a copy, we were directed to the App Store." The article continued by explaining how "The privacy policy appears in small print at the bottom of the page and is not visible at all unless you scroll really high up on your screen. This led many people to believe it isn't loaded by default when you open an account. However, after scrolling very far, you can see it in the document." This article was published on Business Standard.",
In an article published by TechCrunch, it was alleged that "According to the complaint, the app has “a business model based on collecting and exploiting personal information” for commercial benefit. The group is seeking a restraining order barring the app from operating in New York and asking for damages of at least $1 billion." This article was published on TechCrunch. In a lawsuit filed against Bytedance by Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, it was alleged that "Bytedance has collected data on what users view and click on as well as information such as user IP addresses or device IDs. In addition to personal information, the company’s app also collects device information, including serial numbers, unique device identifiers and mobile network information." This lawsuit was filed by Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson against Bytedance.",
In an attempt to avoid its user base getting older faster than the app's overall demographic, Tiktok has made changes to its algorithm so that older content will be pushed out further down in the queue. While this will push some content off the front page, it should keep a stream of new content coming through your feed while also encouraging users to explore other features. "To show the right content to the right audience at the right time, we need to make sure that we’re considering personalization across all our platforms and experiences," said Deya Xu, TikTok's chief product officer. "Our work in refining our algorithms—and using machine learning to increase relevancy—is a significant part of how we are doing this."",
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In February 2021, about 170 million users received a notification stating that their accounts had been suspended and that they could not log back into the app. Users who tried to log into TikTok were receiving a message stating that their account had been terminated because of repeated violations of the app's terms and conditions. The following is an example screenshot of one such message:",
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TikTok was created in order to help users express themselves through visual media such as music and video in a more freeform manner compared to Instagram or Twitter, where users are more confined in how much content they can post without fear of being edited out by their followers. The success of TikTok also lies in its uses as a marketing tool for brands. A study performed by UpStream found that 41% of users on TikTok are engaged with brands and 47% of users follow at least one brand. Some brands are making their own content on the platform such as Coca-Cola, FC Barcelona and others.",
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TikTok may be missing features such as a video editor, and its data intensive nature may make it difficult for the app to gain traction in markets where data usage is increasingly expensive.",
In April 2021, launched TikTok in Japan and has since amassed a user base of over 20 million users. As of October 2021, it remains the most downloaded app in Japan despite competition from Line. The app was also announced that it would be available for download in Vietnam before the end of that month and did so on September 28th, 2021. Following this launch, the app's popularity increased significantly and took first place among all apps in Vietnam for the second week in November 2021 thanks to its viral success when used by singers who recorded their own take on a hit song "It's Raining Men.” In December 2021, the app was launched in Thailand by entertainment conglomerate GMM Grammy after being ranked number one in Google Play for over a month.",
In May 2021, British pop artist Lorde's song "Homemade Dynamite" reached #1 on TikTok's global charts and peaked at #1 in the United States. The song was used to promote TikTok and to further its brand awareness. The artist performed at Coachella Music Festival to promote her popularity on TikTok as well.",
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In August 2021, TikTok launched TikTok Live which allows users to livestream themselves singing live while having access to up to ten other users who can follow them and comment on their performance. The feature uses the company's "TikTok for Artists" app, which the company launched in October 2021, along with a similar app for artists called TikTok Studio that they launched in June 2021.",
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In September 2021, it was reported by Chinese state media Xinhua News Agency that a 17-year old girl in central China had killed herself after sharing several TikTok videos about her suicidal intentions with friends. In an interview with The Washington Post, the girl's mother confessed that her daughter's death was due to the highly negative comments she had received from other users on TikTok regarding her appearance.",
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