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TikTok is completely free to use and it does not require you to pay anything for using some features. It has more than 200,000,000 users worldwide and almost 50% of those users come from USA make it one of the most popular video sharing apps in the world.",
The following is an example of acceptable and inappropriate content that can be found on TikTok: In January 2021, TikTok removed a short video of Chinese millennials dancing on the street which had been uploaded by a popular group called "Loud Crew". The group uploaded 14 videos to TikTok, and soon after they were removed twice for infringing on copyright laws. A spokesperson from Shanghai authorities said that they had "strictly" enforced copyright laws on access to music videos and screen shots which are not authorised by the owners.The following video is considered inappropriate for young children because it shows adults taking shots and smoking while sitting on a couple of young boys. The adults involved are the child's parents, and the context in which all this occurs is not clear from the video.",
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In another article published on The Guardian, TikTok was criticized for its lack of a privacy policy and transparency about how it uses users' data. "TikTok's chief marketing officer, Ed Wu, told Forbes the app has more than 200m monthly active users and that it is 'very transparent' about how it uses data for targeting advertising. However, he did not respond to questions about whether the app has a privacy policy and users were unable to find one in their apps because there isn't one. When asked about how long the company keeps users' data, Wu said in an emailed statement that it's 'subject to our internal policies and applicable law.'"",
There have been concerns that the application has attracted pedophiles posing as teenagers to lure children. Others are concerned about the amount of time that young people are spending on this application. In addition, there has been concern about content uploaded depicting self-harming and suicide methods.",
In April 2021, TikTok banned its users from posting and commenting on videos posted in the United States, despite the platform being available to download in that country. The ban was done in accordance to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).",
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The original founders view themselves as being able to build something that will help people through their day. With this goal in mind, they developed a standalone app which focusses on short-form video. The initial idea for the app came from a project called Vine, owned by Twitter. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times in November 2021, co-founder and CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey said he was focusing on creativity at the company: "We want to look at every part of our service that enables people to express themselves. We believe it's better for the world if more people are expressing themselves." Evan Spiegel then took this idea and turned it into a company called "Tiktok".",
The app has a positive reputation, however there are some critics who believe that the platform has a negative impact on children. TikTok is available on both iOS and Android, and is currently valued at 2 billion USD.",
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In March 2021, it was reported that a Chinese man named Li traveled to Hong Kong in order to euthanize his mother. He used the TikTok app's "Selfie Scoring" feature to rate her on how well she resembled a photo of a female model. The article goes on to say that the average age of death for those who took their own lives with this method was 18 years old, and that “the suicide ‘score’ accounts for the fact that they are unlikely to live out their lives with a score less than zero.”",
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In an article published by The Verge, it was alleged that "The complaint said more than 852 million people used worldwide in 2021. And despite its name — which evokes the question-and-answer site Quora — has begun to extend beyond allowing users to lip-sync popular songs for one another. Last year, the company rolled out a social-networking component called the Universe that helps users interact with one another." This article was published on The Verge.",
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In a June 2021 interview with BuzzFeed News, Shah stated that the company had taken steps to prevent fake accounts from being used for inappropriate content. He added that the company has a team working on ways to stop fake accounts and is "working in every country to make sure that we're looking at it." He also said he could not comment on the cases of a number of people being accused of using fake accounts because the company does not discuss specific cases.",
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In March 2021, the team revealed plans to launch their own short-form video service called "tiktok" based on existing features from within Q2 2021. The team has not yet confirmed a global launch date but have stated that a Chinese release in first quarter of the year will take place if regulatory issues are resolved quickly enough.",
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The app has also been used to help promote charitable causes. In Japan in May 2021, the app teamed up with the Japanese Red Cross while in July 2021, it partnered with UNICEF and its Baby + Me campaign.",
Cons: 1. Getting a new account is a bit difficult when you don't have someone's phone number or e-mail address of that person who created an account on TikTok in order to sign in with it. 2. The app does not allow users under thirteen years of age or those above fifty years of age to use it as well which is not very good for many members who can easily create their own accounts and videos using this app without having any restrictions at all. 3. There are some filters and stickers which are not available as of yet on the app. 4. The time limit for viewing content in the stories section is only 48 hours which is very less compared to others social media platforms. You can't view it for more than two days on TikTok itself. This means that you will have to save videos you want to watch later manually if you want to view them later after two days as they will be deleted automatically from the app by then. 5. There is no option of applying more than one sticker or filter in a video at all until now which is not very good by any means if we compare it with other video sharing apps like Instagram or Snapchat etc where this option is available easily. 6. There is no option of creating a group conversation on TikTok which will allow you to invite members from your contact list to join the conversation. You can only create a group with other users and everyone in the group has to add each other in order to be able to access the conversation. 7. You can't find many "good-looking" videos on this app which are based on some specific topics or topics that you search for like those you can easily find on Instagram and Snapchat etc. 8. Not all of its features are available for using without having any log in or sign up procedures at all especially if we compare it with Snapchat and Instagram where there are almost no restrictions at all regarding this matter. 9. The time limit for viewing videos in the app is also very high which makes it difficult for new users to enjoy some videos they want to view after a certain amount of time only has passed since they have watched it in the stories section of TikTok. 10. The advertising format on TikTok is very different from those of other social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat etc where there are many more ads on them and you have to pay extra money in order to remove ads from them which can be a little irritating sometimes.",
In response to criticism about privacy violations or other issues with this app, there have been several articles published in an attempt to defend it or downplay the concerns raised by people about possible privacy invasions or other issues with this app. One such article stated that "Fears of privacy invasions are unfounded and based on speculation. The real issue is the same one Facebook faced when it launched: People just don't like change. Tech companies will have to get used to it."",
An example of a questionable or potentially offensive TikTok is the following video, which shows some people riding a carousel after hours. The people in the video do not seem to be aware that they are being recorded, and appear to be surprised when they are confronted by a young man who questions them about their behaviour. The following is an example of one of the many videos on TikTok (which all have different names) that could be considered potentially inappropriate. In this video, two people eat and drink on a train that has no other passengers on it. This video was uploaded at 1:59 AM, which is unusual because it is against Chinese law for someone to ride a train alone at any time between midnight and 6:30 AM. As well, the fact that this video was uploaded at 1:59 AM, suggests that the people in the video may have broken this law.",
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In September 2021, the company launched a new feature called "TikTok Live" that allows users to stream live video on the app. This feature is available in both English and Chinese. The feature was announced as a part of an update for selfie filters, photo editing tools and hashtags.",
The app has been criticized for its addictive nature amongst teens especially vulnerable individuals. The app has been described as a "social lubricant" for "teens looking to escape awkward interactions".",
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Unlike other social networking apps, not everyone can use TikTok publicly. It requires you to use a profile which is limited in access. If you are already a member, you can log in with your username and password using the social network's login on TikTok either via your mobile or desktop application.",
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One of the features that differentiated TikTok from other short-video sharing platforms at the time was its focus on lip syncing. The feature was made available to all users and is only available when recording videos; users have the option of turning off the feature if they wish to.",
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TikTok's live video feature was developed in a collaboration with Facebook, to give users an option to view and share live videos. The update was first announced by American choreographer Candace Cunningham on a Facebook post in the United States on August 3, 2021. Shortly after her announcement, TikTok updated their app and started rolling out the feature worldwide. The company has not yet added monetization for the feature. However, TikTok will be looking into options such as paid features that will spark more user engagement into this sort of activity, as well as advertising revenue from major brands themselves.",
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