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In June 2021, TikTok launched an AI-enabled feature to understand the actions of individual users and determine what to share in real time, reducing the amount of social spam on their platform. This is similar to the implementation on Chatroulette and Yik Yak leading up to 2021. The AI system is a collaborative approach between the company and Technicolor AI Lab. The system can use facial recognition technology and timestamps to determine what a user has done recently so that based on that it can then share more relevant videos with other users within the page who also have not done anything recent enough for the AI to detect them. According to the company, this new AI system is capable of reducing the number of social spam videos being shared by 70%.",
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Months after the announcement of TikTok's launch, major social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat introduced their own video-sharing services for their users as well (without being paid to do so).",
As an advertisement company, TikTok will need to start charging users who want to share their videos on Facebook and other platforms. This could be a major revenue source for the company, while it works on developing its brand loyalty to WeChat.",
In December 2021, the company announced plans to launch a new feature called "TikTok Studio". This feature would allow users to create their own music videos. It was launched in June 2021 with Sony Music and Universal Music Group as a part of the app's expanded release in India. The feature also integrates with Record Labels such as Jingle Punks, Spinnin' Records, Monstercat and Deorro's Deoretik. The feature is available as part of the application on iPhone and Android devices.",
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When launched, users of TikTok had the option of sharing their videos through a collection of other social media apps including Twitter, Facebook, Line, WhatsApp and Instagram among others. This feature was removed in February 2021 and has been retired.",
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In November 2021, announced a partnership with suicide prevention service Lifeline that allows users to report any content that may be considered suicidal or harmful to others through the app's in-app messaging feature. also stated that it would be working with Lifeline to develop additional anti-cyberbullying features for the app.",
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In February 2021, the app was reported to have signed a deal with Universal Music Group in order to launch a new feature called "Advertise" later that month. The app became the first musical platform in Asia to offer this service which allows users to purchase their own song for $2.99 USD, or sponsored content, with real money. However, it has been reported that TikTok was unable to sign up Universal Music as an artist on its platform to allow its artists and users in India to make money from it.",
TikTok is a very popular video sharing application which provides various features like filters, sound effects and stickers etc of its own. You can easily download and upload it on your mobile device with just a few clicks.",
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In addition to their concerns about the business practices of TikTok, critics have also expressed concern over the reliability of some of these posts by some users. Some people have noted that some of the videos which are shared on TikTok (such as videos that appear to be self-made) are actually recorded and uploaded by other people. It is even possible that a fake account could be set up where someone uses a photo of an actual user they targeted for harassment in order to impersonate them on TikTok. People have also noted that a lot of the content on TikTok is fake. In addition, they also note that many of the people who are able to post videos (which require a subscription) have accounts which they use to create spam videos in order to attract more subscribers.",
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In December 2021, TikTok released a premium subscription service called "TikTok+. The Premium subscription allows users to pay $.99 a month for an ad-free experience, access to new Stickers and exclusive TikTok merchandise.",
TikTok is a video sharing platform like Instagram, one of the most famous and popular social networking platforms in the world. Instagram comes with all great features that make it possible for users to share photos and videos with friends and family members through different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc. In addition, some unique features of this app such as "Instagram stories", "IGTV" and "IG live streaming" are present on TikTok as well.",
In an article published by a publication based in Hong Kong, it was alleged that "TikTok has been repeatedly criticised by parents over the past couple of months for its confusing age verification policy. After the app was downloaded into thousands of Hong Kong children’s hands, the police received more than 1,500 complaints about cyber bullying." This article was published on South China Morning Post.",
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In March 2021, Troy Hunt reported that data from approximately 6.4 million users had been leaked online and subsequently retrieved by him to conduct a damage assessment resulting in being voted number one on his "Data Breaches of 2021" list. After releasing a video discussing the leak, Hunt noted high levels of attention associated with the breach including coverage from Fox News and other major news organizations. Following an increase in's popularity and a dramatic increase in their user base of the platform, Hunt speculated that this prompted the leaking of the data.",
In May 2021, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer called for TikTok to be removed from the Apple App Store in the United States because he felt it was unsafe for children and infringed upon privacy rights. Schumer stated that it was "disturbing to discover that children are being groomed on this app,” and argued that "there is no need for this app to exist in America, let alone on Apple’s platform."",
In October 2021, Postmates announced that it would remove TikTok from their platform after pressure from users who don't want to see ads in front of their favorite moments. The move was seen by some as a step towards eliminating advertising on TikTok.",
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On September 21, 2021, both parties agreed to settle their dispute by making payment to Snapchat acknowledged that it had copied some of's features but did not admit to copyright infringement. They also agreed that the disputed patent was invalid, and Snapchat was directed to pay a cash payment of $15 million and an additional $3 million for a royalty payment which will be based on future earnings from the infringing features for three years.",
Another tweet by a Twitter user referenced a news article which noted that "the pressure has risen on the popular video app TikTok. The app has been criticized due to [a] lack of clarity in its privacy policy." This particular article was published by a German news outlet and reports that "The Facebook subsidiary was recently investigated by the Hamburg Commissioner of Data Protection and Freedom of Information for possible violations of data protection laws. The company is now busy working on an improved privacy policy."",
On August 6th 2021, announced that it would be releasing TikTok out of China due to "growing concerns over children's exposure to inappropriate content". The company stated that it was working with the Chinese government to find suitable replacement platforms to help its artists and users in the country.",
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The app has also been accused of being culturally appropriative due to its overwhelmingly white user base, but as of 2021, it has a growing Asian userbase as well. However, many Asian people on twitter are criticizing Tiktok saying that the app is racist because the only Asian people on tiktok are usually just Korean people or people who post content in Korean &/or criticize Korea and Kpop (even though they know they won't understand korean). They say that the app is racist because they only feature korean or chinese people but never other Asian ethnicities like Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese etc.",
In an article published by The New York Times, it was alleged that "A class-action lawsuit filed against the app in January alleges that it discriminates against users based on ethnicity and gender, charges which TikTok denies." This article was published on The New York Times. In an article published by TechCrunch, it was alleged that "The Chinese social media giant announced the sale of $1.3 billion in shares to investors including the sovereign wealth fund China Life. This comes a little over a month after it went public in the U.S., raising $1 billion at a valuation of $25 billion." This article was published on TechCrunch.",
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