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On January 3, 2021, a video called "Tik Tok Pretending to Be Black" was uploaded by an Australian man. It became popular in Australia and New Zealand. A prank video titled "Lebanon Tik Tok Prank" made the internet angry as it showed how Lebanese people were portrayed with mock stereotypes in a way that looked like it came from TikTok and not from their own country. In March 2021, another similar "Tik Tok Prank" made by a British Pakistani man gained more traction with people on the internet while making fun of the ethnicity of the person in the video.",

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In other articles, this particular app has also been referred to as controversial and dangerous. An article published by the Los Angeles Times noted that "TikTok has become a hotbed for online predators who are taking advantage of the app's anonymity features to organize cyberbullying attacks and solicit explicit photos and videos from underage users." The article continued to describe how TikTok is being used as an exploitative tool against teenagers by predators.",

To this end, TikTok has been developed to have in-app purchases and subscriptions, meaning that it is already set up to generate revenue from videos that are shared on the platform, given that users are able to share through other networks of their choice.",

Cons: 1. Getting a new account is a bit difficult when you don't have someone's phone number or e-mail address of that person who created an account on TikTok in order to sign in with it. 2. The app does not allow users under thirteen years of age or those above fifty years of age to use it as well which is not very good for many members who can easily create their own accounts and videos using this app without having any restrictions at all. 3. There are some filters and stickers which are not available as of yet on the app. 4. The time limit for viewing content in the stories section is only 48 hours which is very less compared to others social media platforms. You can't view it for more than two days on TikTok itself. This means that you will have to save videos you want to watch later manually if you want to view them later after two days as they will be deleted automatically from the app by then. 5. There is no option of applying more than one sticker or filter in a video at all until now which is not very good by any means if we compare it with other video sharing apps like Instagram or Snapchat etc where this option is available easily. 6. There is no option of creating a group conversation on TikTok which will allow you to invite members from your contact list to join the conversation. You can only create a group with other users and everyone in the group has to add each other in order to be able to access the conversation. 7. You can't find many "good-looking" videos on this app which are based on some specific topics or topics that you search for like those you can easily find on Instagram and Snapchat etc. 8. Not all of its features are available for using without having any log in or sign up procedures at all especially if we compare it with Snapchat and Instagram where there are almost no restrictions at all regarding this matter. 9. The time limit for viewing videos in the app is also very high which makes it difficult for new users to enjoy some videos they want to view after a certain amount of time only has passed since they have watched it in the stories section of TikTok. 10. The advertising format on TikTok is very different from those of other social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat etc where there are many more ads on them and you have to pay extra money in order to remove ads from them which can be a little irritating sometimes.",

In May 2021, "The Guardian" published an article regarding how TikTok was creating viral internet stars with millions of followers at their disposal. The app was reported to have created a new type of celebrity by helping users create videos that fit their personal interests and hobbies and then help them to garner followers through the use of simple technologies such as using facial recognition to identify celebrities within videos. The piece also stated that the app had also permitted users to make money by selling sponsored content or charging a small fee for following another user.",

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One of the features that differentiated TikTok from other short-video sharing platforms at the time was its focus on lip syncing. The feature was made available to all users and is only available when recording videos; users have the option of turning off the feature if they wish to.",

A member of Twitter famously tweeted that "we need to get rid of tiktok" and then went on to share some additional criticisms about this particular app in a subsequent tweet. This user also made reference to a video which was shared by another Twitter user where they sarcastically referred to TikTok as "the best app evar" and then went on to describe how they had discovered that this app had violated their privacy.",

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Unlike other popular video editing apps which allow for a user to split their screen into 2 or 3 separate views (left/right), Tiktok shares the same view as the rest of the world, making it easier for users to share content with friends who may not have a smartphone.",

In an article published on Broadway World, it stated that "TikTok aims to help users meet people they might not have otherwise and include them in their daily lives through its short-video feature. Some of the videos can be private or public and each user has the ability to turn off sharing content with certain individuals. Users have the ability to add photos or add drawings to their videos." This article was published on Broadway World.",

Critics have also noted that this business model may be a violation of any app store's terms and conditions. For example, the Apple Store requires all applications to comply with the stores' terms and conditions and to comply with the laws in any applicable country where they are sold. The following is one example of an Apple Store's policy which requires developers to provide a valid receipt in order to receive money back from their app store account:",

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So, if you want to create your own videos to share them with other people then TikTok is one of the best apps for you to do so as it also allows you to create group conversations with the viewers who are interested in watching your videos. The only drawback is that there are no "good-looking" videos found on this app. Otherwise, it is a good app that allows its users the freedom of doing all they want to do on the app like uploading videos, sharing them etc without having any restrictions at all. That's why we have given it four stars out of five.",

In March 2021, it was announced that TikTok had partnered with Ford in order to create augmented reality features for its users through the MyFord app on iOS and Android devices. These features included a TikTok camera and a selfie camera which users could direct to their steering wheel, the MyFord screen or to their actual speedometer. In April 2021, it was announced that TikTok had partnered with Facebook to create an augmented reality selfie feature for its users through Facebook’s own augmented reality application, Camera AR. The feature allows users to add visual effects, filters and stickers onto themselves in real time as they record videos or take photos of their surroundings. These features were not available for all users upon the release of the app and must be enabled on each user's device before they use them.",

In 2021, TikTok's users were also accused of using the platform to distribute child pornography. It is not clear how this content gets uploaded to the app. The problem of inappropriate content within TikTok has been raised by CNET and BBC. In April 2021, a 22-year-old man from India was arrested for posting videos on TikTok that feature children begging for money while in some cases asking people to raise money for their education. The suspect also offered a teacher as a 'prize' to any child that could be convinced to send him money via a UPI payment.",

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The concept of the app is very similar to Instagram's live feature in that users can post stories on a daily basis to showcase their lives through videos or pictures. On August 8, 2021, TikTok has acquired in a deal that was worth $1 billion. is the second acquisition that TikTok have made since their 2021 acquisition of short video app Flipagram. This acquisition will allow for the merged app to grow its user base to over 200 million as opposed to just 150 million before this deal happened.",

In an article published on TechCrunch, it was alleged that "TikTok is growing in popularity and its userbase is expanding from young people to adults all over the world. The app has a huge following of users in Asia, but it’s also an extremely popular app among teenagers and young adults in the United States, Europe, and other regions around the world." This article was published on TechCrunch.",

This is considered by some experts to be unfair because it requires subscribers (which are estimated to be over 100 million) to pay just so they can be allowed to post their own content onto the platform. The fact that this feature can be used to prevent people from sharing content which they should be allowed to post has also concerned some users. Another concern with this particular aspect of TikTok's business model is that it may be a violation of the app's terms and conditions as well as the policies of any app stores where TikTok is installed. To access TikTok, a user must agree to the app's terms and conditions when they have downloaded it onto their device. For example, users on both Google Play and the Apple Store agree not only to allow TikTok to access their location but also "to use your name, likeness, and voice in connection with commercial, sponsored or related content ("endorsements"), either identified or anonymous. You agree that if you wish for your Content to remain anonymous, or your public profile does not contain your real name, you will not use your real name in connection with any Endorsements." This suggests that a user may be required to pay in order to retain their anonymity while posting videos on TikTok (this is because the app may ask them to use their real name and/or add other details such as their age while posting their video). The term "endorsement" (as defined by the Oxford dictionary) means: "the action of publicly expressing approval and support of somebody/something by a gesture (such as a wave or an item of clothing) or words. The act of publicly advertising a product or service by an individual or organization."",

Tiktok was originally created by a Chinese company called ByteDance Inc. It's similar to Vine, Instagram, and Snapchat in that it allows users to create short funny videos and posts them on the site for other users to like. TikTok allows you to make short 3–15 second videos with various effects, transitions, sound tracks, text captions etc. The app has had over 100 million downloads so far since its release in 2021.",

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The app has received mixed reviews, having been criticized for a lack of clarity about what is inappropriate content on its platform and concerns being raised over issues including privacy options and safety. Its unique features such as the live video feature have been praised by users and media sources alike. Furthermore, while some have criticized the fact that it is not integrated with other social media networks, others of Mozillians applauded its different use case of short videos as an alternative to Snapchat or Instagram's stories feature.",

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TikTok is completely free to use and does not require you to pay anything for using some features. You can also share your videos and photos with your friends on TikTok by sending them a direct link from your mobile phone or any other user's mobile phone via SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger or through any other application using a Bluetooth technology. You can also add songs from YouTube music sources or download songs on the platform as well.",

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The app has been criticized for its addictive nature amongst teens especially vulnerable individuals. The app has been described as a "social lubricant" for "teens looking to escape awkward interactions".",

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