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One of the features that differentiated TikTok from other short-video sharing platforms at the time was its focus on lip syncing. The feature was made available to all users and is only available when recording videos; users have the option of turning off the feature if they wish to.",
In July 2021, Congresswoman Katherine Clark called for TikTok's CEO to be summoned before Congress over child pornography concerns. Congresswoman Clark cited the ease with which viewers on TikTok could search for "child pornography" and download child pornography videos directly via the video app. In addition, the app would not remove videos of young girls dancing in sleepwear and underwear. A number of pornographic videos are allegedly available on the platform as well, which some claim negatively effects child mental health.",
Among the latest trends on the social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube is TikTok where you can share your short videos with only one tap or even without tapping the video story. The TikTok app is available for both Android and iOS users. Here are some best 100+ videos to watch on TikTok.",
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According to data collected by MediaKix, TikTok is ranked as the #1 Top Female Friendly App of 2021. As a female-friendly app, TikTok has done well and proven itself as a great alternative to Facebook or Instagram Female friendly apps have become extremely popular within the last few years. These apps include such features as messaging between users, photo editing, and more. TikTok is a new app that has taken the world by storm within the last year. It’s a great way to connect with friends or even meet new people!",
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In May 2021, "The Guardian" published an article regarding how TikTok was creating viral internet stars with millions of followers at their disposal. The app was reported to have created a new type of celebrity by helping users create videos that fit their personal interests and hobbies and then help them to garner followers through the use of simple technologies such as using facial recognition to identify celebrities within videos. The piece also stated that the app had also permitted users to make money by selling sponsored content or charging a small fee for following another user.",
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In an article published in a publication in Hong Kong, it was alleged that there was heavy criticism behind the app's recent policy changes regarding content which violates their policies and community guidelines. In this article, it was reported that "TikTok’s recent changes have led to massive outrage from its user base." It went on to report that "The new policy bans users from sharing personal information like contact details and credit card numbers. Both are required to create an account in order to use the app."",
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Pros: 1. It allows you to create stories and download videos from the app. You can also upload your video to the stories section of TikTok. You can know more about the cool stories that are created by other members of the app. 2. The interface is quite similar to Snapchat, you can add music to your videos which are saved in your device and you can share it on other social media platforms. 3. There is an option to sign in with your Instagram or Facebook account as well. 4. There are no password requirements for using the app at all. You can freely use it without any restrictions. 5. It allows you to download videos from other peoples' stories or create your own stories and upload videos of yours on it within minutes after uploading the video. 6. The app is free for downloading and doing many other things on it without having to spend money on it at all. 7. There are more than 200,000,000 users worldwide and almost 50% of those users come from USA make it one of the most popular video sharing apps in the world. It is also very easy to use almost all its features without having to spend much time on it. 8. You can easily create group conversations on TikTok which can be accessed by you and other members of the group only without having to share the password with anyone else. 9. You can quickly delete your account on TikTok whenever you want to do so without any complications at all. 10. You can easily visit any video uploaded on the app by just tapping on it. You don't have to go through your timeline to find the video you want to view.",
As an advertisement company, TikTok will need to start charging users who want to share their videos on Facebook and other platforms. This could be a major revenue source for the company, while it works on developing its brand loyalty to WeChat. With all the hype that has surrounded it, TikTok is one of those things which is turning out to be bigger than we thought. We’ll just have wait and see how it pans out in the long term.",
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In August 2021, the company announced a partnership with T-Series for the production of various music videos for artists. In December 2021, Tik Tok partnered with Sony Music India to launch "Super Singer", a singing competition where participants can submit video auditions of songs from artists including Mika Singh and Sonu Nigam.",
In the same month, a Chinese teenager in Chengdu died after dancing on the platform for 6 days straight. The dead girl had reportedly been binge-watching TikTok videos and trying to dance like the people she saw online. It is postulated that her death was from a lack of sleep and rest, as well as over-exerting herself physically from dancing.",
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In July 2021, it was reported that P&G had partnered with TikTok to allow its users to receive free samples of its products in exchange for creating videos and posts for the app. In an effort to improve engagement on the platform, P&G sent these samples directly to its users’ mailboxes.",
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TikTok is now available on Android TV. The new version enables you to be able to pick up where you left off in a video from any screen on your Android TV. It also supports new gesture recognition modes, such as pinch-to-zoom, which allow for precise control over camera zoom or image playback controls. Taking your phone and placing it somewhere far away from you provides a better perspective on the videos created by the app: This is useful especially for taking videos that use a lot of depth of field without being too close to the subject.",
The app has a pleasant and entertaining interface, which is very user-friendly. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices. In the past few months, this app has become very famous because of its ability to create short videos within seconds without much effort and time. TikTok does not require the downloading of special iPhone/iPad or Android applications as it runs on YouTube's API which is available only for iOS users.",
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In May 2021, "TechCrunch" reported that Tencent Holdings Ltd had acquired a majority stake in Inc. "TechCrunch" stated that the deal valued at $700 million with Tencent acquiring a 33.3% stake. The deal allowed Tencent to expand its music business and compete against Chinese rival QQ Music. The acquisition also helped avoid the regulation of "obscene content" in China, according to TechCrunch, which had previously been criticized by the country's government for allowing such content on its app. The acquisition was announced in August 2021 and closed later that year. According to an article published by "TechCrunch", "Tencent has long seen value in's teen and millennial user base, which has been tapped to promote various products".",
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Several celebrities have been mentioned as Tiktok users. American singers Selena Gomez, Camila Cabello and Ariana Grande have been mentioned as Tiktok users. American actors Bella Thorne, Vanessa Hudgens, Joan Smalls and Vanessa Hudgens also have been mentioned as Tiktok users. American singer-songwriter Ariana Grande has attracted attention for her Tiktok account which is followed by more than 100 million people worldwide. Introduced in September 2021, Grande received backlash from fans over the fact that she was able to make millions of dollars from her YouTube channel's ad revenue while still living in a house with her parents. In addition to the controversy, Grande was also criticized by her fans for featuring a luxury handbag in her videos, while proclaiming herself as a feminist.",
TikTok was created in order to help users express themselves through visual media such as music and video in a more freeform manner compared to Instagram or Twitter, where users are more confined in how much content they can post without fear of being edited out by their followers. The success of TikTok also lies in its uses as a marketing tool for brands. A study performed by UpStream found that 41% of users on TikTok are engaged with brands and 47% of users follow at least one brand. Some brands are making their own content on the platform such as Coca-Cola, FC Barcelona and others.",
In an article published by Business Insider, it was alleged that "The complaint said more than 852 million people used worldwide in 2021. And despite its name — which evokes the question-and-answer site Quora — has begun to extend beyond allowing users to lip-sync popular songs for one another. Last year, the company rolled out a social-networking component called the Universe that helps users interact with one another." This article was published on Business Insider.",
As of October 2021, over 40% of America's smartphone population use the app with over 50% of teenage internet users using it. There are several ways to earn money on TikTok by creating videos or watching ads and completing offers. The videos can be monetized by adding advertisements to them from companies like Johnson & Johnson and McDonald's among others. She has received a number of awards, including the "Woman of Distinction" in marketing award from Advertising Women of New York. An Internet Safety Expert said that TikTok is dangerous for users and that the app should not be given to kids under 13. They say people can be easily tricked into doing something they don't want to do. The app also allows strangers to talk directly to users and "chat with others" which could lead to sexual harassment.",
In January 2021, hackers claimed to have accessed another 111 million user’s account information. TikTok has been criticized for the amount of time it takes for users to upload videos and therefore can affect their ability to generate revenue from them. These issues have been compounded by the company's lack of oversight and a lack of in-app review or moderation tools available for its users. As of May 2021, the app has been criticized for the amount of inappropriate and illegal content shared on its platform and the ease with which users can access this content.",
There are several websites that have been set up by Chinese authorities aiming to monitor, investigate and censor both illegal and questionable content published on other sites such as Weibo. The following is an example of a page on one of these sites.",
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