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In August 2021, a viral meme was launched by several TikTok accounts that encouraged young people to post videos of themselves performing a dangerous stunt known as "demon" upon becoming an adult. The tactic has been used in the past to convince young people to take their own lives, and would become known as "self-harm video". The meme also includes a message that urges viewers to stop watching these videos, while encouraging those who have already started watching them to "be responsible" and "stop before it's too late".",
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On January 3, 2021, a video called "Tik Tok Pretending to Be Black" was uploaded by an Australian man. It became popular in Australia and New Zealand. A prank video titled "Lebanon Tik Tok Prank" made the internet angry as it showed how Lebanese people were portrayed with mock stereotypes in a way that looked like it came from TikTok and not from their own country. In March 2021, another similar "Tik Tok Prank" made by a British Pakistani man gained more traction with people on the internet while making fun of the ethnicity of the person in the video.",
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Cons: 1. Getting a new account is a bit difficult when you don't have someone's phone number or e-mail address of that person who created an account on TikTok in order to sign in with it. 2. The app does not allow users under thirteen years of age or those above fifty years of age to use it as well which is not very good for many members who can easily create their own accounts and videos using this app without having any restrictions at all. 3. There are some filters and stickers which are not available as of yet on the app. 4. The time limit for viewing content in the stories section is only 48 hours which is very less compared to others social media platforms. You can't view it for more than two days on TikTok itself. This means that you will have to save videos you want to watch later manually if you want to view them later after two days as they will be deleted automatically from the app by then. 5. There is no option of applying more than one sticker or filter in a video at all until now which is not very good by any means if we compare it with other video sharing apps like Instagram or Snapchat etc where this option is available easily. 6. There is no option of creating a group conversation on TikTok which will allow you to invite members from your contact list to join the conversation. You can only create a group with other users and everyone in the group has to add each other in order to be able to access the conversation. 7. You can't find many "good-looking" videos on this app which are based on some specific topics or topics that you search for like those you can easily find on Instagram and Snapchat etc. 8. Not all of its features are available for using without having any log in or sign up procedures at all especially if we compare it with Snapchat and Instagram where there are almost no restrictions at all regarding this matter. 9. The time limit for viewing videos in the app is also very high which makes it difficult for new users to enjoy some videos they want to view after a certain amount of time only has passed since they have watched it in the stories section of TikTok. 10. The advertising format on TikTok is very different from those of other social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat etc where there are many more ads on them and you have to pay extra money in order to remove ads from them which can be a little irritating sometimes.",
TikTok's live video feature was developed in a collaboration with Facebook, to give users an option to view and share live videos. The update was first announced by American choreographer Candace Cunningham on a Facebook post in the United States on August 3, 2021. Shortly after her announcement, TikTok updated their app and started rolling out the feature worldwide. The company has not yet added monetization for the feature. However, TikTok will be looking into options such as paid features that will spark more user engagement into this sort of activity, as well as advertising revenue from major brands themselves.",
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In July 2021, Congresswoman Katherine Clark called for TikTok's CEO to be summoned before Congress over child pornography concerns. Congresswoman Clark cited the ease with which viewers on TikTok could search for "child pornography" and download child pornography videos directly via the video app. In addition, the app would not remove videos of young girls dancing in sleepwear and underwear. A number of pornographic videos are allegedly available on the platform as well, which some claim negatively effects child mental health.",
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In November 2021, the company was served with a subpoena by the United States Copyright Office, which requested details about any content that was deleted due to copyright concerns and related information. This data was then analyzed by two students at Harvard Business School who found that on average, 1 out of every 10 videos uploaded via TikTok were protected by copyright. The study also found that over a one-month period (from October 14 - November 12), about 45% of all videos uploaded on TikTok were originally created by someone other than the uploaders. In a statement to "The New York Times", a spokesman for Tencent said that they were aware of the copyright issues and has appointed a member of their legal team to "actively" address the problem. They have also been working on improving the security and safety measures around the app.",
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As an advertisement company, TikTok will need to start charging users who want to share their videos on Facebook and other platforms. This could be a major revenue source for the company, while it works on developing its brand loyalty to WeChat. With all the hype that has surrounded it, TikTok is one of those things which is turning out to be bigger than we thought. We’ll just have wait and see how it pans out in the long term.",
In the United States, many parents have become concerned about this app's potential to be used by children to disclose personal information related to themselves or their families. There is also a concern that children will post videos of themselves dancing or engaging in other potentially dangerous activities without the knowledge or permission of their parents. This has led some to argue that it should not be allowed on the Apple App Store.",
On February 24, 2021, the second season of "Funny or die presents" was released on the app. "Funny or Die Presents" is a popular series hosted by comedian Ellen DeGeneres and features different celebrity guests each week. The cast for the second season include different celebrities such as Michael B. Jordan, Wiz Khalifa, SZA and others.",
In October 2021, TikTok announced that it would be removing all adult-themed content from the app. Furthermore, machine learning is now being used to detect and remove inappropriate content such as nudity or excessive violence.",
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In December 2021, the company announced plans to launch a new feature called "TikTok Studio". This feature would allow users to create their own music videos. It was launched in June 2021 with Sony Music and Universal Music Group as a part of the app's expanded release in India. The feature also integrates with Record Labels such as Jingle Punks, Spinnin' Records, Monstercat and Deorro's Deoretik. The feature is available as part of the application on iPhone and Android devices.",
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Although TikTok's founders are Chinese and they launched their Chinese version first, the app is a global phenomenon. According to Play Store Google Analytics data from December 2021, the app is used in 173 countries and can be downloaded in 43 different languages. It was reported that half of TikTok's users are aged between 17–24 (51%) while 73% of all users are female. It is most popular in India over Facebook, Instagram, Netflix and WhatsApp.",
The app has a positive reputation, however there are some critics who believe that the platform has a negative impact on children. TikTok is available on both iOS and Android, and is currently valued at 2 billion USD.",
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In January 2021, the company launched an application that is designed for use with Sony Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs). The app allows users to make their own music videos shot with a DSLR camera. The feature was announced as a part of the company's "Music Story" feature that it unveiled in June 2021.",
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Headquarters: Shanghai, China, San Francisco, United States of America Marketing (formerly branded as " for Brands") Investors: Baidu Inc., Lightspeed China Partners, Sequoia Capital, Tencent Holdings Ltd., SV Angel, Warner Music Group Corp was ranked by "Forbes" as the 36th most powerful company in entertainment in 2021. The brand was valued at over $800 million in 2021 according to "Forbes" and has raised $110 million in venture funding from investors including Baidu Inc.",
The only remaining question is whether TikTok can continue to grow into a brand that people trust like WeChat in China. Many users of the app have openly voiced their concerns about this, worrying that the app may develop a reputation for being more like Facebook than Instagram (which is more closely related to Twitter). If this turns out to be true, then TikTok may see a dip in share price.",
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TikTok may be missing features such as a video editor, and its data intensive nature may make it difficult for the app to gain traction in markets where data usage is increasingly expensive. It also remains to be seen if the app can retain its popularity with teenagers.",
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TikTok has been criticized for allowing users to send inappropriate content and have inappropriate interactions with other users. TikTok uses algorithms that scan videos for the presence of inappropriate content and remove it.",
In May 2021, it was reported that TikTok removed approximately 175 million videos between January and May of that year. As of June 2021 TikTok has removed more than a billion videos, which is 10 times the amount of views in that time period. On top of the time and monetary costs associated with removing content, it can result in the loss of advertising revenue for creators who could lose loyal followers due to annoyance from account closures.",
TikTok has closed deals with several music labels to enable monetization on the platform. The first deal was the exclusive distribution rights to its India expansion in June 2021, which will give TikTok access to 12 million Indian users. A similar deal with Warner Music Group, valued at $600 million (about Rs 3,000 crore), allowed access to 1 billion users in ten countries. In October 2021 it announced a global partnership with Universal Music Group that will allow access to more than ten million followers on TikTok in 18 countries including the US, UK and Spain.",