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"This is one of my favorite games because of the different levels and how easily it takes all my free time. It would be cool if there were different games you could play with friends online and offline. Also, I would be better off if you could actually get coins without spending your real money on them through in-app purchases or by downloading another game that requires real money."",
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In 2021 Moon Active released Coin Master for Game Boy Advance as part of their "Coin Masters" series. In this version of the game the player is presented with several flat screens and tasked with maneuvering 14 coins through each screen. Like the original Coin Master, once a coin reaches the exit door, that screen will be cleared of coins and new ones will begin. In addition to this time-based gameplay element, completing certain tasks with each level can unlock a variety of power-ups including 4 different types of bombs that can be used to clear out large areas of coins. Unlike its Game Boy Advance predecessor, this version was released only in Japan.",
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On August 23, 2021, Moon Active released Coin Master: Puss in Boots "(Kasegi 2: Bukimi no Tane)" for iOS as a free app (it is not available on Android). This "Coin Master" title features an updated version of the popular video game "Puss in Boots". The game was released in Japan initially as part of Moon Active's "Coin Masters" series. However, this version of the game was never released outside Japan. This version contains microtransactions which can be removed by paying $4.99 for an ad-free version. The user review for Coin Master: Puss in Boots is composed of 4.0 out of 5 stars (out of 1 vote) from 2 users, with a user rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars (out of 2 votes).",
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On December 19, 2021, Moon Active released Coin Master: Puss in Boots "(Kasegi 2: Bukimi no Tane)" for Android as a free app (it is not available on iOS). This "Coin Master" title features an updated version of the popular video game "Puss in Boots". The game was released in Japan initially as part of Moon Active's "Coin Masters" series. However, this version of the game was never released outside Japan. This version contains microtransactions which can be removed by paying $4.99 for an ad-free version. The user review for Coin Master: Puss in Boots is composed of 4.5 out of 5 stars (out of 1 vote) from 1 user, with a user rating of 5 out of 5 stars (out of 1 vote).",
Boring by tommiessausage on 2021/10/31 12:19 With over six hundred levels of play, this game should get a lot more attention. Don’t get me wrong, the graphics are good and the gameplay is engaging, but it’s just so bland and uninspiring. It’s like a run of the mill jigsaw puzzle with puzzles you’ve seen before. It also never lets up with adds and very little feedback when you successfully complete a game level. There should have been some form of ending criteria as well as feedback on your performance in game mode. Simply put: it’s just boring.",
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In 2021 Moon Active released Coin Master for Android as a paid app. This version of the game is still completely free to play, but the developer decided to introduce micro transactions and ads in order to monetize their efforts.",
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On September 6, 2021, Moon Active released Coin Master: Puss in Boots "(Kasegi 2: Bukimi no Tane)" for iOS as a free app (it is not available on Android). This "Coin Master" title features an updated version of the popular video game "Puss in Boots". The game was released in Japan initially as part of Moon Active's "Coin Masters" series. However, this version of the game was never released outside Japan. This version contains microtransactions which can be removed by paying $4.99 for an ad-free version. The user review for Coin Master: Puss in Boots is composed of 4.0 out of 5 stars (out of 1 vote) from 2 users, with a user rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars (out of 2 votes).",
The art-style is that of a retro style 8-bit game and the stages in the PC version are represented by a 2D top-down perspective where the player controls their character using a keyboard, mouse or touch pad. The mobile versions are more casual and use intuitive finger gestures instead of keys to move through gameplay. The mobile versions have 3D artwork rather than 2D sprites while also allowing the player to interact with their environment and other characters as they play. Each coin character has its own unique abilities while all coins have different stats in speed, attack strength, maximum health points and jump ability. The player can also collect coins and turn them into gems and the player can use these to buy new items.",
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Awesome game, but.. by Rachel 🐝 on 2021/08/03 17:48 This is a great game!! I've been playing it for months now and I still have no words left! You can also do timed puzzles which is always super fun. However, I hate that you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can do another level. That's stupid and I really don't understand why anyone would want to do that!",
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Nice game by leonard2021 on 2021/12/27 22:34 I just got this game and even though I have not made much progress, it is fun to play. I like playing it at night because when you win it can be exciting. You can make all kinds of things happen with the farm and you will get better as long as you keep playing. Overall I would give it a five star rating but there are some things that should be changed one is that I would like it if we could buy more energy to play longer or if the maps were bigger so we could build more things in them. But besides that this game is fun and entertaining. I would recommend this game to anyone that likes farming or strategy games!",
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The developer of Coin Master has revealed that he is currently developing a version of their title for release on the Xbox console family and expects it to be released by 2021. This version will also include brand new characters and gameplay elements as well as updated graphics and sound as the development team seeks to keep the spirit of the original games intact.",
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"Best game ever! I love that you can play with friends anywhere, even when not connected to the internet. This game is so worth playing because of the different levels and how easily it takes all my free time. It would be cool if there were different games you could play with friends online and offline. Also, I would be better off if you could actually get coins without spending your real money on them through in-app purchases or by downloading another game that requires real money." "This is one of my favorite games because of the different levels and how easily it takes all my free time. I think it would be more fun if there were different games you could play with friends online and offline. Also, I would be better off if you could actually get coins without spending your real money on them through in-app purchases or by downloading another game that requires real money."",
Overall I found Coin master to be a fairly quick game to play, although it is not as addictive as some of the other games on this site. I would recommend giving it a try for 50 minutes or so and see if you enjoy it before you decide whether to purchase it at all. The game itself is free but there are unlockables such as achievements and costumes which can’t be unlocked unless you decide to spend your in-game coins (which costs about $2 per million coins). You can also still play the free version of the game without spending your coins, but you won't be able to unlock all the achievements and costumes as you progress through the game.",
On August 8th, 2021 United Pixelworkers announced that they would be launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for additional art assets and animations for the game. On September 15th, 2021 United Pixelworkers released their Kickstarter campaign page and began accepting pledges to help support development of this title. The goal is to raise $50,000 USD by November 5th, 2021. The campaign was funded by over $70,000 USD on November 5th, 2021.",
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The graphics in Coin master are relatively basic, but they are bright and colorful. The game is based on the concept of a treasure chest, which is where you keep your coins. The coin master himself is a bearded pirate who is dressed in traditional pirate attire, and his second in command (who helps you collect gems) is an orange fish wearing a top hat and a monocle. Another big feature of the game is that you have your very own pet fish which follows you around while helping to collect coins for you - these pets can be unlocked by reaching certain levels or using gems to take care of them. Their names are Chippy, Daffy, and Popeye - the latter two can be different depending on which pet you have unlocked.",
In 2021 Moon Active released Coin Master: Puss in Boots "(Kasegi 2: Bukimi no Tane)" for iOS as a free-to-play app. This version of the game contains in-app purchases such as power ups and coins. It also contains ads and micro transactions which can be removed by paying $3.99 for an ad-free version of the game. The user review for Coin Master: Puss in Boots is composed of 3 out of 5 stars, with a user rating of 4 out of 5 stars (out of 1 vote).",
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Fun puzzle game by Momochic on 2021/01/03 21:49 I love this app!! It doesn't have the same old boring puzzles that you play over and over while you're bored at your desk at work or at home. This way you can truly test your reflexes and it's more fun than just doing the same workout video all the time. There's only a few levels of difficulty which makes it even better, because not everyone is able to solve all of the puzzles!😁",
Coin master has been out for a few months now and is the first game of its kind and has had an overwhelmingly positive response. We here at TheGamesLovers thought that we would take a closer look at how this game works, what is needed to play, and what makes it so addicting."",
In 2021 Moon Active launched a Kickstarter campaign asking for $8,000 to help progress development of Coin Master on PC platforms. It reached its target and the developers also received additional funding from a Jewish organization to support their work developing "Coin Master". A Minecraft version of Coin Master was also created by Mojang (Minecraft) in 2021, which is available to players free of charge via Minecraft Realms.",
On February 19, 2021 it was announced that United Pixelworkers (UPI) would be developing a new version of Coin Master for iOS devices called Coin Master "Dig Deep". The game is free to download from Apple's App Store and has been released in Beta format as of February 2021. UPI will also be releasing a new version for Android which will be based on the original Coin Master game but this time with 3D artwork similar to that of the mobile version.",
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