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The third group of "card packs" was released on September 12, 2021. These card packs were formerly available through a special offer for 33% off the base price. This pack is the first to include cards that are usable in both games (PC and mobile). The cards were originally released as an exclusive offer for United Pixelworkers' second anniversary.",
The developers of Coin Master have said that the game is not free to play but does include advertisements. A user review on iTunes states that "The main problem I have with Coin Master is the lack of gameplay variety and difficulty spikes" and remarks that "once you've played through a level, chances are it won't take you long to beat the next one". The developer of Coin Master has countered this criticism by stating that they are "working to add difficulty spikes and more levels in order to make them more challenging and replayable".",
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The game has received multiple awards and honors from independent media publications including being awarded "App of the Month" on TouchArcade in June 2021 as well as receiving the "Best Game for Kids" award at the 2021 TMO App Awards. It has also been nominated for multiple awards from leagues such as The GBA Awards in the Best Gameplay, Best Social Game category and was named one of “America’s Top iOS Games” by Mashable in November 2021.",
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The second group of "card packs" was released on August 24, 2021. These card packs were formerly available through a special offer for 25% off the base price. These cards could be purchased in sets of a single character or eight characters. Each set includes six exclusive cards and two bonus cards that are usable in both games (PC and mobile). It is currently possible to collect all twelve free bonus cards if all four character packs are purchased individually after "Coins & Curses 2" is released on PC platforms.",
The first group of "card packs" was released through United Pixelworkers' Facebook page on August 1, 2021. These card packs were formerly available through a special offer for 33% off the base price. The first card pack was available to those who had already purchased a premium pack in "Coins & Curses 2" and could purchase two additional premium packs for their existing account. For new users it was a one time purchase that could be used across multiple accounts on both mobile and PC versions of Coin Master and Coins & Curses 2. The cards were originally released as an exclusive offer for United Pixelworkers' first anniversary.",
The gold edition of Coins & Curses Adventure will include all four character packs as well as a new card pack containing 12 cards for use in the game. In July 2021 United Pixelworkers announced on their Facebook page that a PC version of Coins & Curses 2 was being developed by ZenFantasia. It is currently in development, but no release date has been announced.",
I'm love it by Bella fox on 2021/05/17 05:44 This is so fun for me I play it every day and I love it thank you for making such a wonderful game just one question though. They say we need 2,000 coins to upgrade but we only get 10 coins and if we spin 20 times thats the max 200 coins so how can we get more than that? Even though they have a lot of things have no coin is there any way you can make everything cost less coins? But besides that I think this game is great and fun to play with friends. I love it and I recommend it to anyone who likes playing fun games.",
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The developers of Coin Master have received several honors for their game. In 2021 they were awarded a "Design Star" from Microsoft as one of "10 innovative games to watch out for". In 2021 the developer was nominated for a Webby Award in the "Best Kids' Website" category.",
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Addictive!!! by Cami914 on 2021/03/29 17:33 This is by far my favorite game. It's so fun and addictive! It would be even better if you could turn off the adds. I just love playing this game, it's never a dull moment and you always have something to do! If you like word puzzles, word searches or just want to have fun, I would highly recommend this app!! I hope the developers add a reward system for opening the app every day as well!",
Good for a few hours... by Tenderly18 on 2021/06/07 01:27 I have been playing this game for over 4 years now and I kind of got used to it. But now, it is starting to get annoying. The ads are way too long and I feel like they are just there to draw my attention and make money off of people that like this game. Also, sometimes you don’t get the payout you think you do for your tickets or gems. There are some things they really need to work on because otherwise the app gets pretty boring after a while.",
Coins by CeceCeceCece on 2021/12/13 16:27 I love this game and have been playing it for years. I have reached a level where there is no more available to play and therefore am unable to make any upgrades for my games such as bakeries. It would be great if some of the higher levels were made available as in the past. It really is frustrating having to keep doing the same things over and over and over and over again without ever reaching new levels or being able to use anything you have won towards buying coins etc. Please let us know when new levels are available. I, for one, am ready to play them. Thank you",
Coin Master has received a rating of 3 out of 5 stars from 1 user review on Google Play. Coin Master: Space Invaders has received a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars (out of 1 vote) from 1 user review on Google Play. Coin Master: Puss in Boots "(Kasegi 2: Bukimi no Tane)" is the second game in Moon Active's "Coin Master" series and contains new characters, enemies and locations such as the Seville Cathedral from "Puss in Boots". It was released July 30, 2021 as part of a fan translation by Mysty.",
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Very fun but by Aaawwwwhhhhhh on 2021/01/11 23:29 It is a very fun game and I was loving it until I had played for a few months, then I realized there wasn’t much of a point. I feel like if you want this game to be as awesome as it could be you should add some more upgrades. If you play the game for a short period you will be stuck on the same level for a long time. I had been stuck on a certain level for like a month before I decided to play again and it caused me to lose all of my good placements that I had racked up. If you can add some more tokens or something that would make this game better. Also I don’t get why all these people got mad because they didn’t get an update that they wanted. Sometimes it takes months to put an update out so if you don’t get it then there is nothing we can do about it but still let people know since people are really upset that they didn’t get the update they wanted.",
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Won't let me watch a video by Halvpony on 2021/11/24 22:17 This game is great. It's not the same as before because the coin and gem system but it's still fun to play and a good time waster. It's just that when I try to watch a video to get coins or gems, the ad never plays! I'll keep trying though because I love this game so much.",
Loving it by Mrs_Dew101 on 2021/07/22 05:18 I wish that I had this game when I was in middle school and they used to make you wait to play all day instead of letting you play the game that you have on you phone. So this game has helped me a lot and I am loving it! And the diamonds are super useful and can help with building up my bakery. The only thing is that sometimes the game doesn’t show me what I am supposed to be doing. I try to click a diamond and nothing happens. And then when I go on the internet and check my bakery it shows without me even buying anything! It has happened with so many things like clicking something to take a screenshot and then when I open the app it doesn’t take anything of what you should have clicked but instead just shows what you already have on your phone! So please fix that so more people can enjoy this game. Thank you!",
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The game has been featured by Apple, Google Play and the App Store in multiple regions to promote its release. The mobile version of the game was the "App of the Day" on December 17, 2021 in South American countries, including Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay as well as being featured as a free app in Belgium for two days in April 2021.",
The developer of Coin Master has revealed that he is working on a "new" mobile game which is not based on any of their previously announced titles. However, a few news outlets have reported that this game is actually "Coin Master 4". This version will also include brand new characters and gameplay elements as well as updated graphics and sound as the development team seeks to keep the spirit of the original games intact.",
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Another version of Coin Master was also created by Mojang in 2021, which is available to players free of charge via Minecraft Realms. This version primarily includes the same gameplay aspects seen in the original (but with some graphical upgrades, and 3D style). The game uses texture packs to resemble the look of the original versions.",
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Video Guide If you have any questions about this tool or the hack, you can ask us in the comment section below! Hope you enjoy the mod, and see you next time! Published by KaranPC on 9:58 AM",
In October 2021, United Pixelworkers announced that they had partnered with game publisher Humble Bundle to make the company’s September Humble Monthly subscription service available on "Coin Master" mobile devices.",
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